Christine Locke

Christine holds a Master of Science degree in Health Promotion and Public Health; Master of Arts in Community Cohesion Management; a post graduate diploma in Addictive behaviours; a post graduate diploma in French Translation; BA (Hons) in Modern European Languages (French/English) and a host of other degrees.  

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She is a qualified teacher, administrator, bilingual secretary, banker, community development and health promotion practitioner, to mention but a few, and  a keen community activist who always advocates for social inclusion/cohesion, justice for all and work hard to ensure the operationalization of the theoretical principles of these areas – from the commissioning to delivery phases of community services, particularly, health and social care services. She abhors the use of terminologies such as:- “hard to reach” or “seldom heard” communities and believe that it is the excuse used by lazy and rigid individuals/organisations to not develop strategies for engaging and working with communities. For this reason, Christine is currently working to develop culturally proficient toolkit which will enable individuals and systems to deliver culturally appropriate services to their clients.

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